Yes. Although using abrasives on window tinting films will usually lead to surface scratching and noticeable defects (and wouldn't be recommended), the extremely fine abrasives used in Vision Glass Polish have been specifically selected to be gentle enough to not damage these relatively sensitive surfaces. It is worth noting however, that Vision is a polishing and cleansing product (containing deep-cleaning agents as well as abrasives) that should only be utilised where it's needed, and for the most part that will be on the exterior glass where you'll find the vast majority - if not all - of the staining and light scratches you'll be looking to remove during your detail. Window tinting films are typically applied to the inside of the glass, an area that doesn't often need intense polishing for purposes of defect and bonded contaminant removal, a good quality non-abrasive product is usually sufficient for cleaning these areas. Essentially, being an interior surface and little more than a vinyl layer over the top of your glass, tinting films typically suffer from greasy fingerprints, light dust, sticky films from coughs and tobacco residue and other minor contamination, all these can be quickly and effectively taken care of using a safe, solvent-based glass cleaner, such as Crystal Glass Cleaner, with just a spray and a wipe.