UK shipping

*Our free shipping service incurs a £50 minimum spend.

US shipping

EU shipping

*Our free shipping incurs a €50 minimum spend.

Rest of the World

If you order by 3pm GMT, we'll process your order the same day. After 3pm GMT, we'll process it the next working day, adding 1 working day to the expected delivery date.

If you place an order on non-working days (Saturday or Sunday, or bank holiday), please add 1 working day to your delivery date.


If you can't accept delivery of your parcel for any reason, we may charge you the full shipping fee to resend it.

We're not responsible for any parcels that are delivered incorrectly due to incorrect details provided by the customer.

If the courier returns the item to us, we'll add it back to our stock and credit your account for the order total, minus the fee the courier charges us for the return. You'll need to place a new order to have the item reshipped.

We're not responsible for any parcels that are delivered incorrectly due to incorrect details provided by the customer.

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