Ultimate Stance 2024

Way back in March the 2024 UK show season kicked off in style in the Telford International Centre with the mighty Ultimate Dubs. So, you may see it as particularly fitting as we do that the official UK season closer takes place in exactly the same venue, and it’s even bigger. That’s right, after what seems like a monster season of shows right here in the UK this year, the time had come to say goodbye to 2024 with Ultimate Stance.
This indoor event is what you might call a big deal. Telford is simply overrun by the absolute cream of the UK modified car scene. And while the organisers may bring the cars, you can guarantee that we’ll always be there to bring the world’s best detailing products and lay on a whole load of detailing demos.
What’s perhaps most special about Ultimate Stance isn’t just that every car is vetted to make sure they’re the pinnacle of British builds, but it’s a whole collection that’s unusually diverse for this type of show. You really do get to see a bit of everything here, and each of these cars are right at the top of their game.
And maybe that’s the most important thing, so without further ado, let’s take a look at a whole load of our favourites…

And if that little lot isn’t an epic peek into the sheer modified automotive diversity we have on our shores, we’re not sure what it is! We can all agree that Ultimate Stance was a rather fitting close to the 2024 season in the UK… although we just can’t wait for the next one! Just 350-odd days to go, then, eh?
Anyway, thanks to everyone who dropped by our stand to check out our display cars and pick up a few detailing essentials. If you fancy it next year just hit up the Official Ultimate Stance Site and we’ll see you there.
In the meantime, you can check out more show reports from the UK and around the world in the Behind The Scenes Section Of Our Blog.